martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

DenoKinn presents SI Park in London

EN members setting up the 'New Social Silicon Valley

Euclid Network member Gorka Espiau from DenokInn has just secured a €6million grant to create Europe's first Social Innovation Park, dubbed 'The New Social Silicon Valley'.

Social leaders have a long tradition of collaborative projects but a business park fully dedicated to third sector innovation. The Social Innovation Park (SI Park) in the greater Bilbao area of Northern Spain, will consolidate third sector initiatives and emerging innovation projects aiming to create the new "Social Silicon Valley".

Euclid Network (EN) will be primarily involved in the Social Innovation Academy, offering training for third sector leaders.

Gorka Espiau will present the project to EN and ACEVO members in London on 12 February.

This is a great opportunity to be involved in a project that will lead the way in social innovation in Europe and an inspiration for governments on how solutions to social problems can be achieved.

3 comentarios:

  1. Gorka has demonstrated exemplary leadership and strategic know-how in the critical times that surround us. He has managed well the DenokInn team to support his efforts in such a timely and significant Social Innovation Park. I'm glad to be part of it!

  2. Thanks Greg. This is also the first comment on my blog. I will buy you a beer.

  3. Que crack Gorka..make us proud lagun

