lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Saiatu en el Diario Vasco

El Diario Vasco ha publicado un extenso artículo sobre el proyecto Saiatu. Esperemos que sirva para darlo a conocer y que pueda pasar de la fase piloto a la de consolidación. Zorionak!

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Hiriko in Silicon Valley

Thanks to our wonderful partners in San Francisco, Fariba Rezvani (Far Link, llc) and Miguel Valls (BSP), Hiriko was able to discuss with San Francisco top officials the posibility of incorporating this vibrant city into the Mobility on Demand Global project. We also had the privilege to present the project to Steve Westley, one of the top venture capitalists at Silicon Valley. Apart from being the former California Chief Financial Officer and an advisor to Obama, Steve has been one of the key investors at TESLA.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Saiatu Euskadi Irratian

Bidean diren proiektu berriek izan dute mintzagai osteguneko "Mezularia"n. Saiaturen zatia 22garren minutuan aurkitu daiteke. Zorionak talde osoari!