martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

Telepresence conference on Social Innovation

Euclid Network (EN) in partnership with the Young Foundation, Social Innovation eXchange (SIX) and Cisco will be running a telepresence event on social innovation. Cisco telepresence creates a live, face-to-face communication experience helping people to meet and share ideas across borders. Using some of the most sophisticated teleconference technology, the event will bring together 5 social innovators from 6 capitals - Paris, London, Berlin, Lisbon, Madrid and Brussels - to share their successful stories. European officials will also be in attendence. This is a pilot event and further similar events may be organised if this one is successful.

The event will take place 9 April 15:00 - 17:00 and DenokInn will be the coordinator of the Madrid team.

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

Seminario Euclid. Programa castellano

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Internal Mediation

This is the link with an article I have just published about internal mediation with the new International Peace Institute of Catalonia. This is also Social Innovation!

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Denokinn in Washington, New York and Boston

We are presenting the Social Innovation Park project in the US this week. We arrived last Sunday and so far we have met with Ashoka, GEO, Independent Sector, Social Enterprise Alliance, Georgetown, George Mason University and some friends at the World Bank. It is fascinating to see that they are even more excited than us about it. Tomorrow we are meeting whit Children´s Aid, Manhattan Institute and the UN. I will keep you posted if Iñigo allows it.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Social Silicon Valley (Updated)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Leading Sustainably & Innovatively out of the recession

During times of recession and high unemployment, the third sector is no longer a social cost but a source of growth, employment and innovation both locally and globally. But a change of mindset is needed as the sector moves from being not only consumers of wealth, but to producers of wealth. Focusing on innovation in funding, good governance and partnership building, this conference organized by Euclid Network in collaboration with DenokInn will equip delegates with the right skills and international contacts required to be a 21st Century Leader, leading both the sector and Europe out of the recession.

Draft Agenda. Madrid 10 May 2010. Chair: Filippo Addarii, Executive Director, Euclid Network

09.3009.50 Welcome and overview from Chairperson

Hard times for the economy: Spain as a case for Europe

Ignacio Velo Antolin, Director General, Fundacion Luis Vives

This session will give an overview of the currant social and economic models currently in place, an insight into how the current economic climate has affected the sector across Europe, the challenges the sector faces over the next 12 months and how the recession changes the way ‘ we do business’

10.05 – 11.00 Panel Response

· Covadonga Solaguren, Diputada Acción Social de Alava

· Elena Garrigues, Managing Director, Garrigues Foundation

· Stephen Bubb, Sectary General, Euclid Network; CEO, ACEVO UK

· Marisa Gómez Crespo. Director Plataforma ONGs de Acción Social

11.00 – 11.20 Question and Answer

This session will give delegates an opportunity to ask questions and discuss their own experiences from across

Europe, the similarities and what we can learn from each other. This session will also allow delegates to highlight

their concerns and priorities for the next 12 months

Session two: Surviving the recession. Chair: Paul Adamson, Chairman, The Centre

11.40 – 12.20 Total Innovation: New Ideas for changing times

· Laszlo Andor, European Commissioner for Research and Innovation (tbc)

· Carlos Fernandez Isoird, DenokInn

· María Calvo, CEO, Ashoka España

· Geoff Mulgan, CEO, Young Foundation

· Diogo Vasconcelos, Fellow, CISCO and Chair, Social Innovation eXchange

12.40 – 13.30 Doing more with less: diversifying income and cutting costs

Case Study from Esplai Foundation

· John Low, CEO, Charities Aid Foundation

· Daryl Upsall, CEO, DSLI.

· Jordi Sanchez. CEO. Jaume Bofill Foundation.

This session will look at the rise in demand for charities and the decrease in funding and income. Using a volunteered

case study, this mediated session, with help from the audience, will look into how organisations can cope with its

demands, look for new innovative ideas on how to generate new streams of income, maximize impact and seize new


Session three: The leader’s role in organisational development. Chair: Hanneke De Bode, European Advisor, Euclid Network

14.30 – 14.45 Publication Launch: The 21st Century Third Sector Leader

Ben Rattenbury, Project Manager, Euclid Network

· Marco Crescenzi, CEO, ASVI

· Silvia Moriana, Director of Human Resources, Médecins Sans Frontières

· Cliff Southcombe, Chief Executive, Social Enterprise Europe

15.15 – 15.30 Governance across Borders.

Hanneke De Bode, European Advisor, Euclid Network

This session will summarize and set the scene of governance across Europe looking at Spain in particular and what the issues are. The session will outline why governance is vital, the role and importance of having a diverse and engaged boar

15.30 – 15.45 Case Studies: Pablo Navajo Gomez, Red Cross

15.45 – 16.15 Solutions to case studies

Seb Elsworth, Director of Strategy, ACEVO UK

Paul Vidal, Director of the Catalan Observatory for the Third Sector

Session four: Mapping the future for the third sector Chair: Thierry Weishaupt, President, Euclid Network; CEO, RES

16.30 – 16.50 Next steps for change: overall leadership-focused summary of the day

Raul Romeva MEP (Vice-chairman, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance)

Alison Ogden-Newton, CEO, Social Enterprise Coalition

16.50 – 17.00 Closing Remarks.Thierry Weishaupt, President, Euclid Network; CEO, Education and Solidarity